React Use Window.localStorage
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React Use Window.localStorage

React hooks for accessing the localStorage Web Storage API.

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For sessionStorage, see react-use-window-sessionstorage.


A set of hooks to easily store and retrieve data from localStorage.

Encoding is handled for common data types, including booleans, numbers, strings, and objects, or you can encode data yourself if you'd like.

Changes to localStorage are synchronized across all hooks automatically.

What is localStorage? The localStorage property allows you to store {key: value} string data that is saved across browser sessions. Data stored in localStorage has no expiration time.

For sessionStorage, check out the companion project react-use-window-sessionstorage.

Features include:

  • ๐Ÿ’ช Easily add localStorage support
    • Store data across browser sessions with ease.
  • ๐Ÿ”ข Support for primitives and objects
    • Store and retrieve strings, booleans, numbers, and objects effortlessly.
  • ๐Ÿ’ Default values
    • Optional support for defaults is baked right in.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ Automatic synchronization
    • Changes are synchronized across hooks automatically.
  • ๐Ÿ‘พ Customizable
    • Want to store something unusual? Just provide your own encoder.
  • โ›” Storage availability detection
    • Detects if localStorage is available for use and lets you know otherwise.
  • ๐Ÿงผ Clearing support
    • Clear all localStorage values and reset hooks to defaults with one simple call.


npm i react-use-window-localstorage

Quick Start

Storing Strings

Use the useLocalStorageString hook:

import { useLocalStorageString } from "react-use-window-localstorage";

In your function component:

const defaultValue = "cyan";
const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorageString("favColor", defaultValue);

Storing Objects

Use the useLocalStorageObject hook:

import { useLocalStorageObject } from "react-use-window-localstorage";

In your function component:

const defaultValue = { a: "hello", b: 123 };
const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorageObject("myObj", defaultValue);

Note that your objects must be compatible with JSON.stringify(). Use useLocalStorageItem otherwise.

Storing Booleans

Use the useLocalStorageBoolean hook:

import { useLocalStorageBoolean } from "react-use-window-localstorage";

In your function component:

const defaultValue = true;
const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorageBoolean("swordEquipped", defaultValue);

Storing Numbers

Use the useLocalStorageNumber hook:

import { useLocalStorageNumber } from "react-use-window-localstorage";

In your function component:

const defaultValue = 3.14159;
const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorageNumber(

Note: All value defaults are optional. Hooks will return null if none is provided.

Storing Everything Else

If you'd like to store something other than the data types above, define your own encoding using the useLocalStorageItem hook.

Here's a starting point:

import { useLocalStorageItem } from "react-use-window-localstorage";

In your function component:

const defaultValue = "something custom";
const encode = (value) => JSON.stringify(value);
const decode = (itemString) => JSON.parse(itemString);
const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorageItem(

Provide null for no default value.

Additional Features

All hooks provide additional features in their return arrays, should you be interested:

const [value, setValue, loading, available, reset] = useLocalStorageString(
  • A loading value of true indicates that the value is being loaded from localStorage.
  • An available value of true indicates that localStorage is supported and available for use.
  • The reset() function sets the value back to the provided default, or null if none was given.

Clearing localStorage

import { useClearLocalStorage } from "react-use-window-localstorage";
const clearLocalStorage = useClearLocalStorage();

Call clearLocalStorage() to clear all values in localStorage using localStorage.clear() and reset all hooks to their defaults (or null if none provided).


Type definitions have been included for TypeScript support.


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Feel free to submit a pull request for bugs or additions, and make sure to update tests as appropriate. If you find a mistake in the docs, send a PR! Even the smallest changes help.

For major changes, open an issue first to discuss what you'd like to change.

See Kindling for npm script documentation.

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