React Use Window.sessionStorage
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This hook gets and sets an item in sessionStorage using the provided encode and decode functions.

Features synchronization across hooks sharing the same key name.

Hooks for boolean, number, and string primitives are available. There is also a hook for objects that uses JSON string encoding.


import { useSessionStorageItem } from 'react-use-window-sessionstorage';

In your function component:

const encode = value => JSON.stringify(value);
const decode = itemString => JSON.parse(itemString);
const [value, setValue] = useSessionStorageItem('name', 'Zelda', encode, decode);

The hook takes a key name and a default value argument, which should be null when no default value is desired. When not null, the default value will be immediately written to sessionStorage and returned if no value is present already.

Use value and setValue to read and write the value.

Because sessionStorage accepts strings only, the value must be encoded and decoded as such using the encode and decode functions you provide.

Additional Features

The hook provides additional features in its return array, should you be interested:

const [value, setValue, loading, available, reset] = useSessionStorageItem('name', 'Zelda', encode, decode);
  • A loading value of true indicates that the value is being loaded from sessionStorage.
  • An available value of true indicates that sessionStorage is supported and available for use.
  • The reset() function sets the value back to the provided default, or null if none was given.


useSessionStorageItem(keyName: string, defaultValue: any | null, encode: (val: any | null) => string, decode: (itemString: string | null) => any | null) => [any | null, (value: any | null) => void, boolean, () => void, () => void]


keyNamestringRequired. Key name to use in sessionStorage.
defaultValueany | nullRequired. Provide a default value when the key's value is not found in sessionStorage. Will be immediately written to sessionStorage if not present. Use null for no default.
encode(value: any) => stringRequired. Encode function for the value. Since sessionStorage uses strings only, all values must be encoded to a string.
decode(itemString: string) => anyRequired. Encode function for the item string in sessionStorage. Since sessionStorage uses strings only, all values must be decoded from a string.


The hook returns an array containing:

0valueany | nullThe value from sessionStorage, when loading is false. Will be the default value (or null if none provided) while loading is true. If null when not loading, the key was not found in sessionStorage.
1setValue(value: any | null) => voidSets the value in sessionStorage. Provide null to set it back to the default value. Providing null will delete the key from sessionStorage if the default value is null.
2loadingbooleantrue while the value loads from sessionStorage, false otherwise.
3availablebooleantrue if sessionStorage is supported and available for use, false otherwise.
4reset() => voidReset the value to the default.


The following example demonstrates a sessionStorage item with the key name nameObj and default { name: "Zelda" } that uses JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() to convert the object to and from a string for use in sessionStorage (the same can be accomplished using useSessionStorageObject).

A second hook with the same key name is shown as well. This hook will synchronize with the first one when changed.

import * as React from 'react';
import { useSessionStorageItem } from 'react-use-window-sessionstorage';
export function UseSessionStorageItemExample() {
const defaultNameObject = { name: 'Zelda' };
const [enteredFirstName, setEnteredFirstName] = React.useState('');
const enteredNameObject = { name: enteredFirstName };
const encode = value => JSON.stringify(value);
const decode = itemString => JSON.parse(itemString);
const [nameObject, setNameObject, loading, available, reset] = useSessionStorageItem('nameObj', defaultNameObject, encode, decode);
const [nameObject2, setNameObject2, loading2] = useSessionStorageItem('nameObj', defaultNameObject, encode, decode);
return (
{!loading && (
Key "nameObj":{' { name: '}
onChange={e => setEnteredFirstName(}
onKeyPress={e => e.key === 'Enter' && setNameObject(enteredNameObject)}
{' } '}
<button onClick={() => setNameObject(enteredNameObject)}>Set</button>
<strong>Stored name:</strong> {JSON.stringify(nameObject)}
<button onClick={() => reset()}>Reset "nameObj" to default</button>
<hr />
{!loading2 && <div>Another "nameObj" hook (different hook, will synchronize): {JSON.stringify(nameObject)}</div>}