

This ColumnChart charts how many seconds are spent on average per session, for each date, until today.

This is useful for visualizing, on average, how long users stay engaged on your site before leaving.

Refer to the Charts Overview for a list of all charts available.


import {
} from "react-analytics-charts";
authOptions={{ clientId }}
renderCharts={(gapi, viewId) => {
return <SessionDurationChart gapi={gapi} viewId={viewId} days={28} />;


gapiGoogleAnalyticsEmbedAPIRequired. The ready and authorized Google Analytics Embed API
viewIdstringRequired. View ID for the view the chart pertains to. See ViewSelector for more information.
daysnumber | undefinedOptional. Number of days the chart shows data for. Defaults to 28.
containerstring | undefinedOptional. HTML element ID for the container to which the Google Analytics Embed API renders. One will be created if no value is provided.
optionsColumnChartOptionsOptional. The options for this chart have been preconfigured, but you can add or override any ColumnChartOptions you'd like here, such as the width or title.
queryQueryOptional. The query for this chart has been preconfigured, but you can override any query properties you'd like here.

This component also supports all div props, such as className, style, and onClick.

If you have more than one of this chart on the page, be sure to specify a unique container ID.

Data Queried

This query's date range spans from a start-date of NdaysAgo, where N is the days prop provided, until an end-date of today. See DataChart for more information on queries.


  • ga:avgSessionDuration


  • ga:date


This chart has been preconfigured for ease of use, but you can customize it by providing a query or options prop.

The properties you specify in either prop object will override the ones used by this chart.

This means you can cherry-pick the properties you'd like to override, such as the metrics in the query, or the width in options, without having to create a completely custom chart.