React Analytics Charts
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A table shows sortable rows of analytics data under labeled columns.

You can use this to create a custom table by providing your own data query (see DataChart for more info on queries) and, optionally, table options for the table.

Refer to the Charts Overview for a list of all charts available.


import { AnalyticsDashboard, TableChart } from "react-analytics-charts";
authOptions={{ clientId }}
renderCharts={(gapi, viewId) => {
return (
ids: viewId,
"start-date": "28daysAgo",
"end-date": "today",
metrics: "ga:pageviews",
dimensions: "ga:pagePath",
sortAscending: false,
sortColumn: 1,


gapiGoogleAnalyticsEmbedAPIRequired. The ready and authorized Google Analytics Embed API
containerstringRequired. Provide an ID for the div that will contain the chart.
queryQueryRequired. The Query for the Analytics data. See the Query Prop section of DataChart.
optionsTableChartOptionsOptional. Options for the chart. To determine what to use here, refer to the Configuration Options section for tables.

This component also supports all div props, such as className, style, and onClick.

If you have more than one of this chart on the page, be sure to specify a unique container ID.


Refer to DataChart Query Prop to build your own data query.

Chart Options

There are numerous chart options available for tables, allowing you to customize the appearance. Provide these via the options prop.

Below are a few of the notable ones:

widthnumber | stringSets the width of the visualization's container element. You can use standard HTML units (for example, '100px', '80em', '60'). If no units are specified the number is assumed to be pixels. If not specified, the browser will adjust the width automatically to fit the table, shrinking as much as possible in the process; if set smaller than the width required, the table will add a horizontal scroll bar. If set to '100%', the table will expand as much as possible into the container element. Default: automatic
heightnumber | stringSets the height of the visualization's container element. You can use standard HTML units (for example, '100px', '80em', '60'). If no units are specified the number is assumed to be pixels. If not specified, the browser will adjust the height automatically to fit the table, shrinking as much as possible in the process; if set smaller than the height required, the table will add a vertical scroll bar (the header row is also frozen). If set to '100%', the table will expand as much as possible into the container element. Default: automatic
alternatingRowStylebooleanDetermines if alternating color style will be assigned to odd and even rows. Default: true
sortAscendingbooleanThe order in which the initial sort column is sorted. true for ascending, false for descending. Ignored if sortColumn is not specified. Default: true
sortColumnstringAn index of a column in the data table, by which the table is initially sorted. The column will be marked with a small arrow indicating the sort order. Default: -1
pagestringIf and how to enable paging through the data. Choose one of the following string values: 'enable' - The table will include page-forward and page-back buttons. Clicking on these buttons will perform the paging operation and change the displayed page. You might want to also set the pageSize option. 'event' - The table will include page-forward and page-back buttons, but clicking them will trigger a 'page' event and will not change the displayed page. This option should be used when the code implements its own page turning logic. See the TableQueryWrapper example for an example of how to handle paging events manually. 'disable' - Paging is not supported. Default: 'disable'
pageSizenumberThe number of rows in each page, when paging is enabled with the page option. Default: 10

The containing element is rendered as a div and you can size and style it as you see fit using CSS.

Tables do not support titles. You'll have to add your own above the table.

See all table options.